B2G’s Experience & Contacts are Invaluable

B2G is an international consulting and investigations firm specializing in a wide range of services, including investigations, security consulting, and policy guidance for the business sector and government entities in the United States, Canada, Latin America, Europe, and Asia.

With the dramatic increase in global trade and business in recent decades, there has been an escalating demand and enhanced role for legal advisors, security consultants, and business experts with international experience.

Companies now conduct a high volume of sensitive transactions with individuals and businesses across borders. They need to be armed with sufficient information to know if these transactions are secure and their partners trustworthy. As a result of globalization, private businesses, as well as the government sector, are exposed to new risks and frequently require specialists with significant experience in global matters.


The idea to create B2G Global Strategies came about in 2012 as a result of numerous conversations among a small group of lawyers, business professionals, and other specialists engaged in business in Latin America and Asia. The conversations came to revolve around three points of general agreement:

  1. Doing business on the global stage is potentially rewarding for those willing to take the risks.
  2. While modern technology has made information more readily available, acquiring reliable information ⁠— particularly in a global context ⁠— requires having trained and trusted experts on the ground in a given foreign jurisdiction.
  3. Such reliable information is essential to overcoming the operational, financial, and regulatory risks associated with business ventures in foreign jurisdictions, and to identifying problems, avoiding pitfalls, and managing risk.

B2G’s approach to risk mitigation would involve not only providing its clients with publicly available information, but also identifying problems and mobilizing the resources necessary to solve them. Assembling teams of accomplished experts ⁠— with varied skillsets and professional training ⁠— would put a powerful range of services and a deep talent pool at the client’s disposal. This, in turn, would address the range of problems businesses encounter in foreign contexts.

As a result of these conversations and exchanges of ideas, the partners agreed to establish B2G Global Strategies, which was incorporated in 2013. The creation of B2G Global Strategies brings together a team of experts with fresh ideas and individual records of success in business, consulting, and investigations.

Each member of B2G ⁠— including partners, managers, and investigators ⁠— has been providing top-notch services in policy guidance, security consulting, and investigations for businesses and government entities for decades. This extensive experience, combined with the talent and reach of our members in both the domestic and international arenas, enables B2G to provide valuable and real-time service to our clients.

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